A smoking free site

Welcome to our smoking free site!

Giving up smoking is the most important thing you can do with regards to looking after your health and preventing the onset of some of the biggest health threats.

This blog is designed to give you a helping hand when it comes to giving up smoking. Below is a summary of the sections you can find within these pages.

How to Quit Smoking: In this section we guide you through the process of giving up smoking from start to finish.

The Effects of Smoking: In this section we look at the health consequences of smoking.

Lung cancer and smoking: A comprehensive description of the lung cancer, causes, simptomes and prevention.

 Why do people smoke?

          Nowadays it would be unheard of for people not to smoke. Smoking is a part of everyday life, although, believe it or not, it has only recently become so. There are over one thousand million smokers throughout the world, which is an astonishing number, considering the harm smoking does to your body, which we are all well aware of. With this in mind, the question "why do people smoke?" is a really complicated one, that is now being explored much more in depth by many of the world's doctors and scientists.  It has only recently been proved that smoking causes lung cancer amongst other serious diseases and that passive smoking is also harmful for those that do not smoke. 
           A lot of people think that they need cigarettes in order to cope with stress or nerves. However, nicotine is a stimulant; it makes your heart beat faster and raises your blood pressure, so in fact, smoking does not really relax you at all or help you cope with unpleasant situations. People probably think that smoking relaxes them, when in reality, smoking a cigarette, just stops the withdrawal symptoms that have begun to kick in after not having one for a while.
           More and more governments are trying to make people aware of the health risks and consequences of smoking. Some governments have even banned smoking in all indoor public places. Cigarettes are widely available and in many countries fairly inexpensive to buy. For this reason, buying cigarettes is no longer a luxury only for those who can afford to buy them, but a product that is widely attainable by most people.  It should be apparent that most people smoke because they are addicted to nicotine. For them, not to smoke would need an immense amount of willpower, a huge amount of support from family and friends and for some, expert medical advice and help.